Jan 15, 2015 - Prognostic, Predictive, and POC: Biomarkers from Research to Clinic

start date: Jan 15, 2015


Prognostic, Predictive, and POC: Biomarkers from Research to Clinic

Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 10:00

Friday, January 16, 2015 at 18:00

San Diego Marriott Del Mar, San Diego, California, United States

This conference brings together researchers from academic institutions and industry to discuss the utilization/deployment of biomarkers in research settings, the clinic, and point-of-care (POC) setting.

The focus of the conference begins with oncology (cancer) biomarkers but continues beyond into other disease areas such as cardiovascular disease biomarkers, CNS biomarkers, diabetes biomarkers, renal biomarkers, hepatic disease biomarkers.

Various classes of biomarkers are presented in this conference:  Classical cancer biomarkers, molecular signatures for cancer based on gene expression profiles, microRNA-based biomarkers, protein expression-based biomarkers, and epigenetic biomarkers.

One of the revolutions currently taking place is the movement of diagnostics towards the point-of-care and more recently with a smartphone or other telemetry-based approach towards the mobile point-of-care (mPOC).  This conference focuses on this emerging trend.

The ultimate goal of this conference is to bring together the stakeholders studying and utilizing biomarkers in many disease areas for up-to-date information exchange as well as extensive networking opportunities.

For further information click here