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Malvern Zetasizer Nano shows aptitude for interdisciplinary research at Purdue

Lisa Reece is Lab Director of the IN-CTSI (Indiana-Clinical Translational Sciences Institute) BioNanotechnology Core Facility at the BNC and her previous experiences with Malvern's customer service and expertise over 10 years were significant in making the decision to choose the Zetasizer Nano. "We've always been really happy with Malvern and while we've tried other companies, the necessary expertise was not there," she said. "We're doing cutting edge work at the BNC in a very exciting atmosphere, where biological applications intersect with other areas of science. It's truly multidisciplinary and we need instrumentation that supports that."
The Zetasizer Nano particle characterization system measures particle size, zeta potential and molecular weight. Easy to use and with applications ranging from characterizing high concentration colloids and nanoparticles to the measurement of dilute proteins and macromolecules in their native state, the system is ideally suited to a multidisciplinary research environment.
The BNC is one of the research centers that make up Discovery Park, itself the heart of large-scale interdisciplinary nano-scale research and innovation at Purdue, building on the university's strengths in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The BNC leverages advances in nanoscale science and engineering to create innovative nanotechnologies addressing societal challenges and opportunities in computing, communications, the environment, security, energy independence, and health. In turn, it exploits progress in nanotechnology, using the most advanced instrumentation to pursue answers to fundamental question in the life and physical sciences.
To find out more about Discovery Park go to
For the Birck Nanotechnology Center
Details of Malvern's Zetasizer systems are at
Malvern, Malvern Instruments and Zetasizer are registered trademarks of Malvern Instruments Ltd
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