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Creative Diagnostics Introduces New NanoChains for Scientific Researchers

publication date: Mar 21, 2019
author/source: Creative Diagnostics

New-NanoChains-for-Scientific-ResearchersWith years of experience in the pharmaceutical and life science sector, Creative Diagnostics has released gold nanochains with a large specific surface area and high load capacity.

These nanochains can be easily surface-modified, and are suitable for biological immunoassay, protein labeling, dark-field imaging optics, fluorescence enhancement, surface-enhanced Raman substrates and drug carriers, etc.

With excellent dispersion and stability, these new Nanochains have high negative surface charge, and can be customized according to the needs of customers. Featured with large specific surface area, high load capacity, and surface modifying functional group easily, the new gold nanochains are safe, environmentally, and pollution-free. Creative Diagnostics provides a comprehensive list of special shape particles in a wide range of different morphology and dimensionality, and these Nanochains are one of the featured products.

"Creative Diagnostics has a talented and professional group of employees, who are dedicated and passionate about supporting the new scientific applications and accelerating the advancement of science. With the expertise of our team, we always try to provide useful and helpful tools for science community such as the new nanochains, and we'll continue to expand our offerings for our global customers." said Dr. Jessica Waldorf, chief scientific officer of R&D department, at Creative Diagnostics.

"Creative Diagnostics provides highly uniform nanoparticles widely used in biology and medicine. Particle sizes can be customized according to the needs of customers. With years of experience, Creative Diagnostics is glad to provide researchers biological resources like gold nanochains. We're uniquely qualified to support your research programs." said Alex, one of a senior scientific officers at Creative Diagnostics. "Nanochains are offered to biological researchers as a powerful tool to gather data faster and move science forward. Together with other nanoparticles products and services, we will continue to meet the needs of scientific researchers and focus on offering the market quality, affordable products and services in order to achieve integrative cost effective solutions."

For more detailed information on NanoChains, please contact Creative Diagnostics directly at 1-631-619-7922.

About Creative Diagnostics

Creative Diagnostics is a leading manufacturer of magnetic particles, antibody arrays, critical immunoassay kits, reagents and related products for immunoassay development. Creative Diagnostics is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive list of products and fit-for-purpose custom design services to academia as well as industrial researchers and assay developers all around the world.


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